The 11th AOSD
About AOSD
11th AOSD
About AOSD
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AOSD (Association of Asia-Oceanic Steel Drum Manufacturers)
Introducing AOSD
With an aim to establish an international forum to promote the safe and efficient manufacturing and use of new steel drums and pails to encourage environmentally sound practices in the management of the packaging life cycle, ICDM (International Confederation of Drum Manufacturers) was founded in 1994 by the following regional associations, i.e. SEFA (Syndicat Europeen de l’Industrie des Futs en Acier), ISDI (Industrial Steel Drum Institute) and JSDA (Japan Steel Drum Association). Those three member associations are to cover the following areas;
SEFA:Europe, Africa and the Middle East
ISDI:The Americas
JSDA:Asia and Oceania

In line with the above ICDM establishment, to cover drum manufacturers in Asia and Oceanic regions, AOSD (the Association of Asia-Oceanic Steel Drum Manufacturers) was founded in 1994 at the initiative of JSDA.

At the ICDM Tokyo Board Meeting in May 2004, JSDA proposed to change the component member from JSDA to AOSD of which proposal was accepted by the other member associations.
Objective of AOSD
The objective of the association is to promote partnership among manufacturers in Asia-Oceanic region, as well as to engage in the following activities
research, study and information exchange concerning steel drums and pails
organization of international meetings in the Asia-Oceanic region
encouraging active communications among steel drum and pail manufacturers, on the subjects of common interest
submitting joint proposals to the International Meetings held by the International Confederation of Drum Manufacturers(ICDM),as to the subjects having common interest to the manufacturers of Asia-Oceanic region
promoting closer relationship among members as well as publicizing the common interest of the members
Board Meeting held once annually
International Conference taken place every three years
Organization of ICDM and AOSD
* The 2nd conference was convened in Singapore in 1994.
* The 6th conference was convened in Malaysia in 2007.